Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I'm not sure why but I love to hide when I hear someone coming.  It's probably not so much the hiding but the scaring that I enjoy.  It started when I was a kid.  If my younger sister was outside playing and I heard her come inside, I would hide.  It became a psychological game.  Sometimes I would jump out immediately. Sometimes I would hide so long that she figured I wasn't hiding, and then, BOOM!  You'd think I would have grown out of it, but no, I have not.

Over the weekend we were hanging out with a few friends at one of our favorite breakfast spots in CT - Buzz Cafe http://www.buzzcafe.co.za.  It's a cool spot to be on a Saturday morning... that said, 'morning' is known to be a relative term amongst Capetonians.

A few breakfast smoothies and cappuccinos later, one friend visiting from out of town asks, "So, where is Table Mountain?" For fear of a slow and torturous dismissal from this life, I will allow that friend to remain unnamed, as I simply note the uproarious response of those present at the table.

Just in case you have never been to Cape Town, this is Table Mountain:

There is virtually NO WHERE you can go in the city where you don't have a clear view of this massive precipice.  Literally, it's clearly seen from everywhere, especially when you are sitting at the Buzz Cafe which is situated about 100 meters from the base of the mountain.

Following that question and subsequent mass out roar, our friend's husband pointed directly in front of himself and said, "Um, lovie . . . " That made me think, so often I miss some of the most obvious things, even when I'm looking for them.  I think that God falls into that category.  Sometimes I'm looking but I think he must be hiding?  Or, maybe, I'm not really looking?

I recently read this from one of my favorite communicators, Louie Giglio, "God is always seeking you.  Every sunset.  Every clear blue sky.  Each ocean wave.  The starry host of night.  He blankets each new day with the invitation, "I am here."" The psalmist wrote:

The heavens proclaim the glory of God.

      The skies display his craftsmanship.
 2 Day after day they continue to speak;
      night after night they make him known.
 3 They speak without a sound or word;
      their voice is never heard.
 4 Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,
      and their words to all the world.

God is not hiding.  Actually, he's making himself known to everyone willing to look.

Have you seen God lately?


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