Tuesday, April 12, 2011

200 million and 1...

To blog or not to blog, it's a question that seems reoccurring, and at times, something like a fungus or awkward skin irritation that will not desist.  I suppose my issue with joining what some refer to as the "blogoshere," or another calls the "blogscape,"  is one of personal value.  I simply don't find myself that interesting - ok, I take that back, I do find myself interesting, even entertaining at times, but certainly not so interesting and so entertaining that friends, acquaintances, and or, perfect strangers should find some degree of amusement with my publicly displayed musings.  Yet, now several YEARS into this process of justifying why I should not, am not and will not tweet, blog or otherwise....here I am...To Who the blog is born today!

This is me, Aaron Tredway.
If current statistics on blogging are true, you have just over 200 million blog options to choose from.  If you speak Mandarin or some dialect thereof, you're in luck...almost 1 of 2 blogs in the world come from China; similar to soccer balls, paper cups, the computer I'm typing on, and those excellent rice-paper candies as well.  That said, I set out on this blogging journey today, and I hope the things discussed in this public space will find value.  I intend to write once or twice a week, and share about people I meet, places I go, and things I encounter that speak of and point to the glory of God.  As Oswald Chambers once wrote, "Beware of anything that competes with loyalty to God . . . the greatest competitor of devotion to God is service for Him."  It's not my intention to point you away from serving God, but rather to open a dialogue that compels you to exalt the name of Jesus in an ever increasing way.  
So, what can I say...amongst other credentials I hold, like former college ping pong player, a PhD thesis title so long and complex I can never remember it, and a 1-game professional basketball career in the Central Asian country Tajikistan, I'm now a blogger.      . . .  SDG 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hey Gary,

    What time would this be at, where, and what would you be looking for specifically? Shoot me an email: atredway@aisint.org


